Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tips For A Doctor's Appointment

Going on a doctor's appointment can be very stressful as a caregiver or a patient. Plan ahead and discuss issues with your loved one. If the appointment is for yourself, set some time aside and think about your own issues before you step in the exam room.

Here are some tips to help:

Before The Appointment
1. Make a list of all of the symptoms that have been experience or reported. How long do they last and how frequent are they?

2. Make a list of all recent significant illnesses. (Over the past 2-3 years)

3. Make a list of any allergic reactions and sources.

4. Make a list of all drugs that are being used.

5. Make a list of all health care professionals who are providing treatment. (Including any home care professionals)

During The Appointment
6. Write down information about what the problem appears to be. (A description is more important than a diagnostic name)

7. Make a list of any medications that are being prescribed, an explanation of why, and what effect they should have. Ask about the generic form-is it safe and available?

8. Write down information about when to take the meds, how much and how long.

9. Write down information about the side effects of each medication or interaction with foods or other meds.

10. Write down if there needs to be any changes in diet or lifestyle. Take the meds before a meal, after a meal, etc?

11. Make an appointment for a follow up visit or phone check up, not more than one week later. (Medicines can have strange effects on the older patient)

12. Ask the pharmacist to give regular capped bottles, if the senior can be in charge of their own medicines.

13. If there are any advers reactions to the new meds, call the doctor immediately!

It can be overwhelming at the doctor. Plan ahead and take paper. Remember, it is okay to ask the doctor to explain things again and it is okay to ask the doctor to repeat themselves.

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